Play video clips and stream links
Warning: Do not hold the device near your ear when the loudspeaker is in use, because the volume may be extremely
To select audio and video files to play with
, select
, and scroll to a media clip in your device or on a
memory card.
To play streaming media, select a Web link that points to a media clip, and select
; or connect to the Web, browse to a video
clip or audio file, and select
recognizes two kinds of links: an rtsp:// URL and an http:// URL that points to a RAM
file. Before the content begins streaming, your device must connect to a Web site and buffer the content. If a network connection
problem causes a playback error,
attempts automatically to reconnect to the Internet access point.
To play audio and video files stored in your device or on a memory card, select the file and
To stop playback or streaming, select
. Buffering or connecting to a streaming site stops, playback of a clip stops, and the
clip rewinds to the beginning.
To view the video clip in full-screen size, select
Play in full screen
. The size of the video area changes to normal or
full screen. Full screen increases the size of the video to cover the maximum video area possible while the aspect ratio is
To save a media clip, select
, scroll to a folder in device memory or on a memory card, and select
. To save
a link to a media file on the Web, select
Save link
To fast-forward or rewind the clip during playback, scroll up or down.
Tip: To fast-forward during play, scroll up and hold. To rewind during play, scroll down and hold.
To increase or decrease the volume during playback, press the volume keys.